Mastering the Nikon D7200 Darrell Young
Publisher: Rocky Nook
Mastering the Nikon D7200 by Darrell Young, 9781937538743, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Mastering the Nikon Df by Darrell Young, 9781937538484, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Mastering the Nikon D7200 available at www.pictureandpen More. Darrell Young's most popular book is Mastering the Nikon D7000. Mastering the Nikon D7200 (Nikonians Press): Darrell Young: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Retrouvez Mastering the Nikon D7200 et des millions de livres en stock sur Reflex Cameras, Darrell Book, Nikon D7200, Photos Equipment, Pix D7200. Nikon D7200 DSLR Camera with 18-140mm Lens. Corey Rich takes you through creating time-lapse videos with the D7200 in Time- lapse Photography mode and Interval Timer Shooting mode. I've been a big fan of the f/ 2.8 @ 75mm for 1/2000 sec at ISO 720 with Nikon 70-200mm (unedited). Darrell Young has 23 books on Goodreads with 544 ratings. Photography & photographs; > Photographic equipment & techniques.